Teguise – In Green focuses on the famous Teguise Green Doors (Las Puertas Verdes) which are synonymous with Lanzarote’s architecture. They are not restricted to Teguise but it is very evocative of the historic towns in Lanzarote. The varying hues of green, some newly painted and others bleached by the sun and wind are striking as they contrast against the white of the traditional buildings. Some of these characterful streets took on the form of a green Pantone chart, others were updated and uniform. A local paint vendor offering any colour you like as long as it is green.
I was drawn back to Teguise on a number of occasions, it was the sense of history, the escape from the modern face of tourism, a sense of calm, some shady corners and those characterful doors. Life felt slower in Teguise if you manage to avoid market day. On market day the town transforms dramatically, its sleepy lanes becoming a seething crescendo of colour, produce, arts, craft and people.
Teguise – In Green was a simple study, it was about colour, texture and variation. As I added images I became more aware that I was on the outside and I wasn’t looking in. The people, the lifeblood of this town were there, but hidden behind these doors. An occasional door ajar hinted at a life beyond, at stories yet to be told. There were glimpses of courtyards, like shady oases hidden away from the heat, wind and tourism.
I had metaphors in mind but I leave you simply with doors, with the odd window and with a variety of shades of the colour green. I’d like to think this might be a platform, a foundation for a different type of project and of course time will tell.
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Teguise – In Green References
Don’t get the inland historic village of Teguise confused with the modern resort town of Costa Teguise. They are chalk and cheese. There are plenty of tours to Teguise but there is ample parking even on market days and it is nice to have an amble about the lanes on quieter days. There are plenty of nice restaurants and bars serving a mixture of tapas and light bites. Teguise is transformed on market day and there are a myriad of different stalls selling a variety of crafts, fashions, art and food. Definitely worth a visit!
Lanzarote Tourism – http://www.turismolanzarote.com/en/index.jsp
Teguise Guidebook – http://www.lanzaroteguidebook.com/destination/teguise